Sunday, October 5, 2014

Physiologic & Psychosocial Integrity (health integrity) - Nursing

You will find very useful tools in ths specific blog post in providing individualistic nursing care to all different/individual patients that all require different needs in terms of their physiological needs, social needs, psych needs & cultural needs!

Every patient is an individual therefore, every patient needs individual care!!!

^index card I made to separate the physiologic factors from the psychosocial factors to consider when caring for a patient/assessing

^some quick tips when it comes to an APHASIC patient

^aspects a nurse should immediately recognize, pay attention to, and record (chart it)

^patient with DEMENTIA. There are 66 types of dementia, Alzheimer's being the most common*

ERIK ERIKSON'S Stages of Psychosocial Development:
^ helpful visual

Human needs: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Here are 3 charts with examples for you to better apply & recognize these needs in patients:

1, FIRST CHART integrates pictures and icons as well as descriptive word examples:

2, SECOND CHART includes examples using words and mind clouds(titles):

3, THIRD CHART includes picture (objects & people displaying need), dialect, words:


  1. This is such a great resource. I love the visuals. Keep up the good work Amanda.

    1. Thank you! Still a work in progress but I appreciate your positive feedback!
