Sunday, October 5, 2014

Respiratory - Nursing

Some visuals to aid in Respiratory assessments, charting and general resp nursing knowledge!!!:

^respiratory breathing patterns

another picture of breath sounds. Displays inspiration & expiration visual 

tips/what to look for and note for nursing students during the assessment!

^s/s of a COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patient. COPD is a type of emphysema. 

look for these s/s in an (pulmonary) EMPHYSEMIC patient 

great reference pictures to use in resp assessment during auscultation in locating lobes of lungs

^cute relations picture of the system as a whole 

^adventitious(aka abnormal) lung sounds, relatable imagery and relatable descriptions

^where to auscultate on patient's back when listening to lung sounds

^ characteristics of lung sounds! Type, duration, intensity & pitch (EXPIRATORY) and where you can hear the corresponding type of sound on patients. 

^terms to recognize, learn and memorize. When we are nurses we may know them all! One day.. It seems so far!

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